PSA Check

From the age of 50 it is important to discuss with your GP your family history of prostate cancer and whether you would like to have a baseline blood test called PSA which may be raised if there is prostate cancer present. It is one of the only tests we have to try to find prostate cancer as prostate cancer usually grows quietly without any effects on the body or the urine flow. If your PSA is raised, your GP will discuss with you seeing a Urologist for more information. After examining your prostate, Dr Azer will discuss with you undergoing an MRI scan of the prostate. If needed Dr Azer will also discuss a prostate biopsy under general anaesthetic.

Active Surveillance

If you have a small amount of prostate cancer or it is a ‘pre cancer’ Sarah will discuss with you watching the cancer rather than rushing to surgery. This is called Active Surveillance and involves seeing Sarah regularly. What’s great about active surveillance is it means patients can preserve their continence and erectile function for longer and only undergo surgery if they really need it.

Robotic prostate surgery

Sarah has been trained by two leading robotic surgeons in the United Kingdom how to remove the prostate using the Da Vinci Robot system. This is the mainstay of prostate cancer surgery around the world and is keyhole surgery. It gets men out of hospital sooner and back to living their lives faster. Talk to Sarah about how robot surgery is used to preserve erectile function and continence.