Blood in the urine

Blood in the urine or haematuria should never be ignored. If you have ever seen blood in your urine, discuss it with your GP straight away and request a referral to see Dr Sarah Azer. All patients with a history of blood in the urine will undergo a CT scan and a camera in the bladder to check for bladder cancer.

Urgency, frequency, pain

Is your bladder stopping you from living life to the fullest? Whether you are leaking urine or feel like you live day to day tied to the bathroom, there are options to make your symptoms bearable. This may involve exercies, bladder training, medication or even botox to your bladder! Make an appointment to find out more.

Bladder cancer

For high grade bladder cancers Sarah is able to organise medicine in the bladder to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back or progressing to a more serious cancer. If the cancer has already reached the muscle, Sarah is able to remove the bladder using robotic surgery and create a new bladder using small bowel.